SAVE THE DATE: Warriors' Night Out, Saturday, May 3, 2025

Each year, the Ludlow-Taylor PTO hosts a Gala Auction Event: Warriors’ Night Out. This event is an opportunity for families, teachers, staff & community members to spend a fun night out in support of our school.

We can’t wait to celebrate with you and raise much-needed funds for our school. We hope you’ll save the date (Saturday, May 3, 2025) and make plans to join us for this year’s Warriors’ Night Out!

This year, we also have a special Summer Camps+ Auction from January 12 – 21!

Register and bid on the SUMMER CAMPS+ AUCTION

Funds raised through the auction directly benefit student learning. 
 Auction proceeds support critical teacher and student activities at all grade levels. Thank you for your support!


2025 Auction Sponsors: Coming Soon!

Family & Teacher Experiences

Several of our auction items are sold as experiences and are available to multiple people (either as a larger experience to bid on with a group OR through the purchase of individual tickets).


What Are Family & Teacher Experiences?
Each year, parents, caregivers, and teachers volunteer to host creative parties or experiences to help raise funds for our school! Whether you host an experience or attend one, they are also a great way to meet other L-T families!

How Does It Work?

The host(s) determine how many people they can accommodate for an activity. Attendees can be adults-only, kids-only, or families. The hosts cover the event expenses and 100% of the funds raised benefit L-T. 
Events do NOT need to be elaborate or expensive to host! For example, a family might host a themed dinner at their home—and other families join together to bid on it at the auction. 

Some experiences are ticketed. For example, 2 caregivers might host a get-together to do yoga in the park with some snacks with 25 tickets available for purchase. 


Ready to Host An Experience?

1.     Brainstorm the type of event or activity you want to host! Confirm the number of people you can accommodate.

2.    Fill out our sign-up form so we can add your event to our list & discuss possible dates.

3.  Make plans to cover the costs of the event as your contribution to the auction. (All of your expenses are tax-deductible, btw!)

4. We’ll handle the logistics of adding your event to the website & promoting it as part of Warriors’ Night Out.

5. Host your event! Meet new Ludlow-Taylor families & have a wonderful time for a good cause!

In-Person Gala Event

On May 3, 2025 we will return to Ivy City Smokehouse for an ADULTS ONLY night of dancing, food, and fun in support of our school community.

Ticket sales coming in the new year!


Come to our next Auction Committee meeting: Monday, February 3 @ 7PM at Queen Vic

We’d love to have you help us plan while we snack on (British) chips! Have questions? Contact us at